Mud & Mischief

Just our way of home educating our three girls; assisted by an allotment, a Land Rover and a heap of ingenuity.

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Location: South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Monday, October 31, 2005

Very impressed & pumpkins too!

My Sonlight order just arrived. Am very impressed, especially as it was dispatched from the company on Thursday morning. Good ol' FedEx.

We've had a productive day, in spite of being wheel-less. I still feel like some has amputated a limb, but we're coping better than I expected. Did just under an hour of 'bookwork' this morning. We've got a couple of the 'Gold Stars' workbooks (think we picked them up in the supermarket way back last year sometime), and Myf did a dozen pages of the 5-7 one and Tea happily scribbled and coloured all over the 3-5 one. Hey, don't care what they're doing at the mo. As long as we're working towards the routine of spending an hour or so doing 'normals' every day, I'm content.

After that we whizzed down into the village to do library (taking back over due books), chemist (Piglet's excema stuff) and the veg stall (pumpkin!). Didn't have time to go to the post office as we had to be back for the Tesco shop arriving. It was late, but that didn't matter. We started carving our pumpkins. :)

Before: before

I grew the white one on the lottie this year, and the little diddy orange one was all the veg stall had.

During: carving pumpkins1dive in pumpkindo I eat pumpkin

And finally, after.
3 pumpkins flash

Although I like this one best, even if it is sightly blurry.
3 pumpkins

Fingers crossed Blogger doesn't blow a fuse, or fuse a circuit, trying to upload all of those! :)


Blogger Debbie Pritchard said...

wow they look great

8:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they are well cool!

9:03 pm  
Blogger Classroomfree said...

Wow, they are fab :-)

8:51 am  
Blogger dawniy. said...

Love your wonderful pumpkins ! a really good excuse to switch all the screens off!!
Yes Kris your were right all screens go off here now - including the pc(s) and Stef on the X Box lol he's horrified ;) And I really have laptop withdrawal. Guess the kids are nearaly worth it (joke)
Dawniy x

1:32 pm  

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