Mud & Mischief

Just our way of home educating our three girls; assisted by an allotment, a Land Rover and a heap of ingenuity.

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Location: South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Friday, October 28, 2005

The expensive noise

Is back with a vengeance. So much so that I now know what it is and, more infuriatingly, there's absolutley nothing I can do about. Rear wheel bearing, for those who know about such things. Some small, expensive, round, metallic bit of the rear wheel assembly, and vital to the smooth forward motion of the vehicle for those who don't. I even dug out the Hayne's manual, fully intending on stripping the damn thing down and refitting it myself, but it's rated 4 out of 5 on the difficulty scale, and I don't have a bench press to squish the bearing back together. :(

So now I'm stranded for the next 6 days, until himself returns from his wanderings around the continent.

Guess I shouldn't have been muttering so much about my busy calendar! lol The Fates have a funny way of working things sometimes. Actually, it might be nice to know that we can't go anywhere, so can't agree to go/do/be anything apart from at home. Means we can do all the little local things I've been meaning to do - library, Piglet's prescription, post office, etc - as well as really get cracking with these mounds of paperwork. I hope nobody sneezes in my dining room today, or I'll look like I'm sat in a snow-globe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can always come to you?

12:11 pm  
Blogger Emma said...

Typical for something to go wrong while the man of the house is away!

Hope you enjoy the time you spend at home :-)

8:25 pm  
Blogger Debbie Pritchard said...

I always panic if I'm stranded at home...what will I do?? Then find myself loving it and wondering why I don't stay in more often!! Its amazing how you catch up too

10:11 pm  

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