Mud & Mischief

Just our way of home educating our three girls; assisted by an allotment, a Land Rover and a heap of ingenuity.

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Location: South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Baking buns and seeds and stuff.

Barbara E and R came over earlier in the week and we spent a happy time making bread buns with the older girls, drinking tea and talking about all kinds of stuff -some of it was even nothing to do with children!

Have just posted some photos to go along with the bread making session - and realised that I'm supposed to post them in reverse order, so they make a little sense. Oh, what the heck... you get the general idea.

I've also spent two days digging in the garden, and one day up at the lottie, prepping the ground in readiness for sowing. Details will be put up at Mud & Mischief as soon as I've been outside to sow my broad beans. :-D

Oh - and the veggie growing project is in it's final testing phase. I've six sets made up, with instructions, that I'm going to post out to various people to get their opinions of. I'm thinking £2 a packet ought to cover postage & seed costs. Does that sound about right? 10 packets of seeds, with between 3 and 20+ seed in each of - winter squash, courgette, carrots, lettuce mix, peas, beans, calendula (english marigold), sunflower, tomatoes, and a mystery veg. :-D Plus growing instructions.

So three of the six sets I've got have already got names on them (Barbara, Jax, Sarah)... who wants the others? :) Email If the demand is big enough, I'll make up some more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I'm the Sarah you mention then that's great! If not - Can I be? LOL

10:40 pm  
Blogger dottyspots said...

I'd love a set too, but might be better to wait until we move.

2:56 pm  

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