Mud & Mischief

Just our way of home educating our three girls; assisted by an allotment, a Land Rover and a heap of ingenuity.

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Location: South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Monday, January 24, 2005

Soft play day... and then a gripe

We've had a fun day so far. Apart from DH sleeping through his alarm and being late to work - o Monday, o joy - it was a good start to the day. We were up, breakfasted, dressed and out of the house for 9.30am. I don't know why this is such an achievement these days - we used to do all that and be at school for 8.45am. However, I think it's much nicer to not have to panic and rush and worry about being 10 minutes late (we were ultimately about 30 minutes late, but hey, I blame traffic).

We all piled in the Disco, after much swearing by me when I discovered the trunk was FULL of DH's junk. Tow ropes and a trolley jack, steel toe capped boots, strops, D-links, flask, water proof trousers, bag of rubbish, and boot liner all had to be removed before I could set the rear 2 seats up for D & T to sit in. Then we went and fetched a local friend, Lou and her gorgeous little daughter W, who's the same age as F, and headed off to Sheffield to meet up with Barbara, E, B and R, and also Stella, K and J, at a little soft play centre she'd told me about on Saturday.

And if you made it through that cumbersome paragraph, well done! Sorry, having an off day... can't type, can't spell and the words aren't really putting themselves in the proper order at the mo. I hate it when that side of my brain goes on hold... my spatial awareness suffers too and I go all girly and useless. Time of the month and all that bloody nonsense, no pun intended. I loathe it when I can't compute ordinary day-to-day stuff like judging distance, reading maps etc.

Although I did take us straight to the soft play centre today, from south of Doncaster to the middle of Sheffield, with only a single cursory glance at the AtoZ. Hormones must have kicked in on the way home then...

Where was I? Dunno... have lost the impetus to write. Will come back later when I've nuked a wheat bag for my poorly belly. And maybe with a glass of something warming to ward off the dreary chill of the miserable, grey, sleet-soaked day that is glowering at me through the window. So much for the stirring promise of spring that had been in the air the past week or so. The snowdrops are drooping under the relentless wind and rain, the tiny touches of green have been beaten from the gnarled hawthorn twigs, and the birds are huddled miserably along the edge of the compost heap, trying to draw some warmth from the rotting vegetation.

And before I depress myself even further, I'm off.


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