Mud & Mischief

Just our way of home educating our three girls; assisted by an allotment, a Land Rover and a heap of ingenuity.

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Location: South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


I've had a lot of positive feedback about this seed thing I'm thinking about doing. (see post below!) So, a quick poll for those of you who are interested, if you wouldn't mind. You can either respond in a comment, or you can reply to

1. What kinds of veggies would you like to see in the pack?
2. How many types would be appropriate?
3. What kind of instructions should I put in? How about a sheet to record findings? Or am I getting ahead of myself here? :)
4. Solutions to the money side of things - if I've got 10 people asking for seed, then that's not a problem. If I get 20+, then I might have to ask for a contribution to cover postage. Or do I just charge a pound or two?

Um, there are probably lots of other questions that I should be asking, but for now, I can't think of them. How about I just ask for suggestions and leave it at that?

(oh, and btw, my spinning wheel is an Ashford Traveller)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dino wants carrot, tomato and flowers. We have a bit of seed left from last year and he wants to choose some more. I suspect he'd be up for a growing comp or similar. I'd like to see some veg, something instant food like lettuce, carrot or tomato (that you can just pick and eat) something you have to cook, an easy flower or 2. So, off the top of my head, how about Tomato, Carrot, Pumpkin, Sunflower. That way there's flowers, a long growth plant (pumpkin - and the chance of HUGE ones) Tom's are lovely to grow and nice as a snack and carrots are a root so some of our kids might be surprised?

Instructions - maybe simple ones? Maybe some idea of what will be needed for information at the end - height of sunflower, weight of pumpkin etc.

If I were you I'd charge a quid or so just to cover any costs you might have. Do you take Paypal or Nochex?

Will try to ring you over the weekend

10:40 pm  
Blogger Sarah said...

Yep, £1 or £2 to cover p&p sounds great. I'd far rather pay £2 to get a selection of seed than end up buying it myself at more than that per pack that you never use all of, iyswim! Instructions would also be good for a pleb like me. To the rest, I really don't mind!

10:57 pm  
Blogger Jax Blunt said...

Well, you know I'm up for it ;)

11:39 pm  
Blogger dottyspots said...

I think peas or beans would be a good idea as they climb all over the place, so would be a contrast to a pumpkin for e.g.

3:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes, peas was the other thing Dino wants and a climber would be good.

10:07 pm  
Blogger Jan said...

I'd like some too please. happy to pay postage or whatever. We'll be growing some of our own (assuming I can reach the ground at the appropriate time of year) but it would be nice for the children to have some they can feel more involved with too

12:10 pm  
Blogger Rosie said...

We'd love anything that's easy to grow in a narrow, quite shallow raised bed, at 1000 ft in windy yorkshire, peaty soil. Does that narrow it down a bit. I suppose its worth a try with a variety of stuff, but sunflowers or anything tall will struggle in th wind- I havent chosen a site against a wall as there's no depth of soil there, plus a large honeysuckle. Railway sleepers ordered. Kids are v keen to get started! we've done some prep already, even though the ground's frozen! Will pay whatever.

10:03 pm  

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