Mud & Mischief

Just our way of home educating our three girls; assisted by an allotment, a Land Rover and a heap of ingenuity.

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Location: South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Saturday, February 12, 2005

and it's not getting much better

Have spent a relatively peaceful hour reading through blogs, catching up on not a lot of news (waiting for all those returning from Melrose to post!). Followed a few links to various recommended books (Getty Dubay, FIAR), curriculums (Ambleside, Sonlight etc)...

Which was probably not the best thing to do in my current state of mind. Am now in an 'omg-I'm-useless' train of thought. Ok, so the past couple of days haven't been brilliant, but I'm sat here tapping away at the puter with the girls happily and independantly playing in the front room, and it's the third day in a row it's been like that. Whenever we're in the house, this stupid machine gets switched on.

It's not like there's a huge amount happening at the moment. There are a couple of people I talk to every so often, and the blogs to keep up to date with. If I were working, then fine. But all I seem to be doing is browsing and reading and looking at home-ed stuff, instead of actually doing it.

Barbara lent me a lovely FIAR book, and half a dozen stories to go with it. We've read those stories (I may need to buy her another copy of Ping as it's been loved to death), but I don't feel like we've actually done the stuff in the FIAR. Before I've hardly finished reading, the two little ones have decamped to destroy something, and then D wanders off whilst I'm talking to her about it. Then T comes back and wants me to finish the story, but insists on me starting again from the beginning.

Arrgghh - just had a spat with D whilst trying to get my thoughts down here. Kind of along the lines of:
"Please go pick up the four jigsaws you've scattered all over your bedroom floor. When you've done that, we'll go into town and see Daddy for lunch."
"Don't want to."
"I beg your pardon?"
"I don't want to."
"You will pick up the mess you made young lady."
"Don't you talk to me like that, it's very rude. Go."
"But it's toooooo haaaaard."
"It was easy enough to throw them all over the floor."

Now, this might sound a little draconian, but it's well past 11am. We've been having this conversation on and off since 9.30am.

And yes, I have resisted the port... but only because I have to drive into town at some point today. :P


Blogger Joanna said...

I so relate to your feeling of reading all about home-ed instead of actually doing it. I spend far too long on this computer too!

Children are very frustrating. I get it wrong with Tamsin an awful lot of the time. But have you ever read "How to talk so Kids will listen and listen so kids will talk?" by Faber and Mazlish? It sounds like just the sort of thing that might help. If only you can remember to use it at those critical moments ..... which I often don't!

11:41 am  
Blogger Jax Blunt said...

More (((hugs)))

Want to come over some time very soon and let them destroy this house while you give me gardening tips?

Will warn you that we have been exposed to chickenpox, but the very earliest we could possibly be infectious is Tues, so we'll be fine for group on Monday - if you want to avoid us after that I'll understand (although I will have to sob quietly in a corner...)

11:43 am  
Blogger Jax Blunt said...

coo, there wasn't another comment when I started mine - hello Joanna!

11:43 am  

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