Mud & Mischief

Just our way of home educating our three girls; assisted by an allotment, a Land Rover and a heap of ingenuity.

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Location: South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Another wasted morning

My children are sitting watching Alice in Wonderland (so much for the no-tv-in-week policy). I've spent the morning on the phone, sorting out an insurance claim that isn't going to happen, doing posters for the new playgroup (why do I get myself into these things?) and intermittently talking to 3 or 4 people. And it's now 11am and I feel like it's another morning gone, swallowed by bugger all and msn and blogs and irrelevant crap.

Myf has done some reading though - I didnt know she knew the words 'invitation' and 'beautiful'. She's constantly surprising me at the moment. Piglet made me smile too - I was wiping pink stamp pad ink off the kitchen surface, muttering to myself about how everything round her was going bloody pink, and she says "But Mommy, I like bloody pink." :) Everything is now bloody pink, which would probably offend the grandparents, but it's making me smile. Tea is having a difficult day, but at least she comes for a nice cuddle after each bout of tears.

Need to walk down into the the village, take the posters to put up in the library, post office, newsagents, etc, return library books, buy some veggies and maybe some pork chops for tonight. No idea what time James is back from Shropshire, but hopefully it'll be with a working truck.

Merry, where did you get your TT from? I feel I have a need for one.


Blogger Tim said...

Ah well you see, I come from Suffolk. We paint our houses bloody pink - ox bloody pink. :-)

3:04 pm  
Blogger dottyspots said...

Well we didn't exactly get much done either. I was going to blog, but TBH that would involve sorting out blogsome which I'm going to switch to once I've sorted out a template etc. (looks like a good bet for a group knitting blog).

Basically Erk scrubbed the floor, I did some washing and then after speaking to you finally lost it big-time with the boys after deciding that I would tackle their bedroom - I'll leave the inventory of *things found* to the imagination - but it did include a mouldy knife & fork (?!) amongst other things and I finally lost my temper and exploded (and then phoned Rik to tell him he'd better come home sooner rather than later or he might not have any sons left........

Ho hum.

Will see you tomorrow morning.

8:14 pm  

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